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Students Union

Limerick College of Further Education has a vibrant democratically elected Student Union. The Student Union operates from offices within the college. As a learner of LCFE you automatically become a member of the union, it is the learner’s voice within the college and is the representative body for all learners of LCFE. It assists learners in areas such as welfare, timetables, advice etc. Each class will elect 2 Reps to speak on their behalf to the Student Union.

Two members of the Student Union also sit on the Board of Management of the College, this gives the learners a say in the operation of the college as well as the future of the college. The SU provides support for the many clubs and societies within the college. Joining a club or society widens your circle of friends and gives you a chance to explore and participate in interests you might not encounter in your studies. Each club operates on its own, with the backing of the union and the college. So you can meet like-minded people and make your college experience something to remember!


Limerick College of Further Education offers a wide range of programmes to meet the needs of school leavers and mature learners. The vast majority of programmes are QQI (Quality Qualifications Ireland) accredited. QQI is the national awarding body for further education and training. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is acknowledged in line with QQI guidelines. Learning Support is also available.

LCFE Funding