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Means-tested Student Maintenance Grants are available to qualifying learners. The administration of these grants was handled by the former Vocational Education Committees (VECs) up to the 2011/12 academic year. A new ONLINE ONLY grant applications system was introduced in the 2012/13 academic year. All applications have to be made online to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI), the single Awarding Authority for all new student grant applications, through www.susi.ie. If you are thinking of embarking on a programme with us, you should investigate whether you are eligible, and, if so, submit an application.

Application Process

The SUSI website is a comprehensive source of information on the student grant scheme and provides a handy step-by-step guide to eligibility and the grants process. Online applications for the 2014/15 academic year open in May 2014. Remember, it is not necessary to have received an offer of a college place or to be enrolled in LCFE in order to apply online. So, apply as early as possible!

We also regularly post updates through our social media channels. To ensure you don’t miss any updates, make sure to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook or, follow us on Twitter. LCFE also has a Grants Officer, who will advise applicants/recipients, as necessary during the academic year.

LCFE Funding