Limerick College of Further education is the largest provider of Further Education and Training programmes in the Mid-West region. We offer more than 70 programmes over a diverse range of disciplines. The College is a dynamic and thriving educational environment, with a significant increase in enrolments in recent years. Newly refurbished and re-equipped, the setting lends itself to the smooth acquisition of Awards for those willing to make the required effort.
These Awards are designed to prepare holders for progression to higher-level awards in Institutes of Technology (IOTs), Universities and other Colleges. Awards can also lead directly into the workplace.
Limerick, the capital of the Mid-West, has dramatically changed in recent years. Regeneration of the city centre and docklands has made Limerick a vibrant and exciting city, made livelier by the vast number of learners attending the many Colleges in and around the city. The city boasts numerous sporting and cultural events and is renowned for its cheerful and welcoming cafés, restaurants and clubs.
Learners can choose the individual locations of LCFE’s three campuses as they offer a great study/life balance. Each Campus has been developed to offer the Learner a positive learning experience at a location that is convenient to their individual needs.
LCFE Main Campus – Mulgrave Street, Limerick
Limerick College of Further Education’s main Campus is situated on Mulgrave Street which is a 10 minute walk both from the city centre and Limerick Bus and Rail Station. It is the largest of our three campuses offering courses in a variety of areas such as Business and Science.
LCFE Kilmallock Road Campus
The second LCFE Campus is located on the Kilmallock Road. It is a modern building offering programmes in the area of Science.
How to get to us
College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus and Kilmallock Road Campus are committed to our Green ethos. Please see how to get to us using sustainable green modes of travel here.
Our Learner Profile
Limerick College of Further Education offers a wide range of programmes to meet the needs of school leavers and mature learners. The vast majority of programmes are QQI (Quality Qualifications Ireland) accredited. QQI is the national awarding body for further education and training. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is acknowledged in line with QQI guidelines. Learning Support is also available.
Range of Programmes
QQI programmes at Limerick College of Further Education are offered at Levels 5 and 6. These programmes are part of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ). Entry requirements are the Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA), QQI Level 4 or equivalent. Mature learners are normally exempt from entry requirements and so are eligible to apply for all College programmes, once the have reached 23 years of age, or 21 years for the ATI Programme. Other awarding bodies include City & Guilds, Accounting Technicians Ireland, CIBTAC and ITEC. Holders of QQI Awards may use their QQI CAO points to progress to higher education. Please contact the Admissions Office or current HEI literature of any College you plan to apply to as a QQI applicant. They will be able to provide you with up to date information. You may also refer to the CAO website to check QQI information.
Amalgamation of FETAC, HETAC, IUQB + NQAI
On the 6th November 2012, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) was established as a new integrated agency (replacing the Further Education and Training Awards Council, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and incorporating the functions of the Irish Universities Quality Board). The establishment of a single unified agency to assure the quality of qualifications and of learners’ experience of education and training at all levels in Ireland will make it easier for employers and others to make sense of Irish qualifications, including within a global context. FETAC, HETAC, IUQB and NQAI believe that this move strengthens the focus on high quality learning experiences across all education and training provision nationally. The strength of current qualifications and quality assurance systems will grow, opening up new opportunities for people to engage and succeed in learning.
Note that an Application Administration Fee of €20 now applies to all applications. This is a non refundable payment.
QQI Points
The CAO score QQI applicants on their best 8 modules from a Major Award where applicants are eligible for consideration. Please see section on QQI Links Scheme on page 15 for more specific information. Applicants should consult HEI literature to establish specific QQI level 5 and 6 requirements. This arrangement may change with the introduction of the Common Awards System.
Local Agreements
Under the terms of a new Progression Agreement with LIT, LCFE learners who achieve a major Award may now progress to Year 1 of any level 6 or level 7 programme at LIT. Entry to Level 8 programmes at LIT require a Major Award with 3 Distinctions. Portfolio requirements where applicable remain unchanged. Application is through CAO. LCFE also has a bilateral agreement with Mary Immaculate College for learners from Media programmes to progress to the BA in Liberal Arts. Application is through the CAO. In addition, LCFE has also negotiated advanced entry progression opportunities for holders of QQI Level 6 Awards with various IOTs. Details of these arrangements are on the relevant programme pages.
Counselling Service
LCFE offers learners a comprehensive Guidance Counselling Service, including advice on higher education options and personal counselling. The College Guidance Counsellors are available for private consultations with all registered learners.
Learners with Special Needs
LCFE makes every effort to facilitate applicants with Special Needs. Applicants should contact the Guidance Counselling service at the time of registration. The counsellors will facilitate the processing of applications for funding to the Higher Education Authority (HEA). The College is fully accessible to wheelchair users and there is a lift to all floors.
Learning Support
LCFE endeavours to provide learning support for those experiencing difficulties with specific modules, subject to resource availability. This service is designed so that all learners are enabled to:
– participate fully in the College community
– develop in a supportive environment in which they can enhance their individuality
Garda Vetting
LCFE/LCETB (Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board) is committed to practices which safeguard the welfare of learners, young people and vulnerable adults. LCETB is registered with the Garda Central Vetting Unit and will be conducting Garda Vetting on learners attending programmes where it is identified that possible interaction with children and vulnerable adults is a feature of the programme. Any information disclosed by the Garda Central Vetting Unit may be shared with the appropriate decision making personnel in prospective work experience organisations. It is the learner’s responsibility to ensure that all information is correct, as any omission will mean a delay in the processing of the application.
English Language Assessment
All applicants whose first language is not English will be asked to complete an English Language Assessment. This assessment takes place in May and again in August. The purpose of this assessment is to ascertain the applicant’s competence level in relation to the programme requirements. Limerick College of Further Education has links with ESOL programmes at Limerick Adult Education College, Sexton Street, Limerick. This may assist referral and progression for learners. NOTE: Applicants who have completed or are currently taking Leaving Certificate English are exempt from this assessment. A copy of their Leaving Certificate must be provided.
Further Education Grants
Means-tested Maintenance Grants are available to qualifying learners. These grants are administered by Learner Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) through All applications must be made on-line. The College has a Grants Officer, who will advise applicants, as necessary.
LCFE has a vibrant Students’ Union which was established to represent the interests of the learners and to advance their rights. While it works within the policies and procedures of the College, it is an independent voice for learners. It has its own office within the campus and organises many social and cultural events throughout the academic year. Click here for more.
Open Day
The best way to find out what LCFE has to offer is to visit on our Open Day. Come along and meet with academic staff and existing learners and enjoy viewing our Art/Ceramics/Photography and Fashion exhibitions.