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Limerick College of Further Education

Mulgrave StreetLimerickTelephone+353 61 414344Fax+353 61 414186EmailFull Time Enquiries - apply@lcfe.ie Part Time Enquiries - adulted@lcfe.ie
LCFE Limerick City

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Limerick College of Further Education - Killmallock Road

Killmallock RoadLimerickTelephone+353 61 414344EmailFull Time Enquiries - apply@lcfe.ie

    Contact Form

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    LCFE Contacts

    College Director

    Pat Maunsell 00 353 61 403950 patrick.maunsell@lcetb.ie

    Deputy Director

    Hanora Hartnett 00 353 61 403989 hanora.hartnett@lcetb.ie

    Deputy Director

    Cliona O'Kelly
    Cliona O’Kelly 00 353 61 403951 cliona.okelly@lcetb.ie

    Director of Adult Education

    Enda Finn 00 353 61 403979 enda.finn@lcetb.ie
    LCFE Funding