This section of the site covers specific information for learners/applicants on College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus Limerick City's part time evening programmes . Just click your chosen option on the menu.
College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus offers more than 150 part-time evening programmes over many disciplines and currently caters for approximately 2500 learners annually. We offer a wide range of relevant accredited and general interest programmes available every September and January. The programmes on offer are reviewed and updated biannually, reflecting changing demands and feedback from learners and industry.
Our part-time courses support those in employment or seeking employment and provide others with the chance to explore new pursuits. We regard learning as a lifelong pursuit and see education as an important step in the adventure towards greater personal development and growth. We are both flexible and adaptable in meeting the needs of adult learners and provides courses and expert tuition over many fields of study with accreditation by a number of prestigious validating bodies. We are delighted to present this booklet for September 2024 and invite you to join us on a programme of learning at the College.
Since 2013 Further Education and Training has been recognised as the fourth pillar of the Irish Educational System. SOLAS , as an agency of the Department of Education and Skills (DES ) has been tasked with creating a world class integrated FET sector that is responsive to the needs of learners and the requirements of a changed economy.
College of FET LCFE Mulgrave Street Campus operates as part of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB) Further Education and Training (FET) division. Within this environment the college continues the tradition of developing more educational opportunities to reflect the diverse needs of adult learner here in the Mid-West region.
This September 2024 season we are offering an interesting range of New QQI Accredited courses. See our September 2024 booklet available at the following link:
Part Time Prospectus September 2024
In recent years, due to the popularity and expansion of our range of courses, the college has scheduled a number of them at the Further Education and Training Centre, Kilmallock Rd. campus (formerly St. Endas). It is an excellent spacious facility with plenty of car parking spaces. We will endeavour to continue expanding the range of programmes available to learners demonstrating our commitment to providing the widest variety of learning opportunities in the Mid-West.
College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus supports its teaching and learning with up-to-date resources reflecting business standards and local industry needs. Our greatest asset and key to our success is our staff. They are dedicated, professional and committed to the learners who come here.
The preferred method of enrolling on courses is to register online. This is a fast, secure and easy way to register your application. So why not go to or
and explore the full listing of our courses and prices. This booklet provides you with an overview of what is on offer and our website provides many of the answers to your queries. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram
College of FET Mulgrave Street Limerick Academic Calendar 2023 2024
Calendar Evening Courses Sept 24 to Jan 25 Nightschool.docx
Learner Induction Information Sheet September 2024
Director of Adult Education: Arlene Douglas
Assistant Directors: Liam Duggan & Rose Doyle
Assistant Principals 2: Audrey Fitzgerald
Administrator: Sandra McNamara, April O’Neill
The contents of this site are for information purposes only. No guarantee is given that the programmes, syllabi or fees may not be altered, cancelled le://srv-lcfe-003/USERS/arlene.douglas/Documents/Academic%20Calendar%202022%2023/Academic_Calendar_23_24%20web.htmor otherwise amended at any time.
Our September 2024 Courses commence on the week beginning Monday 16th September 2024
Pick Up a Booklet and enroll Onsite anytime and Onsite from Mon 9th September 2024 to Friday 13th September 2024 Office Hours 10am to 4pm, (Mulgrave Street Office)
Enrolment Options:
1 Enroll Online (Preferred Method)
Register online for the course of your choice by logging onto our website and following the simple step by step registration process:
Click the Part Time Courses Apply BLACK button at this link:
Evening Programmes Part time Apply Now
2. Enrolment at College of FET LCFE Mulgrave Street Campus, Limerick
Enrolment – for Adult Education Evening Courses September 2024
Office Hours – Weekdays only :
Mon 9th Septebmer 2024 to Friday 13th September 2024 – 10am to 4pm, (Mulgrave St Office)
4 By Post
It is possible to register by post by returning a completed application form and payment by cheque, bank draft or postal order. Please make payable to: Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB).
Return application form(s) to:
Evening Courses,
Limerick College of Further Education,
Mulgrave Street, Limerick
Application Form & Tuition Fees
Fees published in this booklet consist of tuition fees and material fees only, except where otherwise indicated. Some validating bodies charge separate registration/examination fees. Please refer to their respective websites where applicable. (See back section of Booklet).
- 20% discount on tuition fees can be availed of by individuals in receipt of Full Job Seekers Allowance/ Benefit, Disability Allowance or One Parent Family Payment –
- 20% discount can also be availed of on tuition fees for all full-time College of FET LCFE Mulgrave Street Campus Learners,
- 20% discount is available on tuition fees for all senior citizens
ID and Paper Evidence Required on application at Mulgrave Street Campus Office ONLY.
Terms and Conditions:
- Discounts apply to tuition fees only and not materials fees
- Proof for the applicable discount must be provided at registration
- Proof for a discount application will not be accepted once a course commences
- Discounts cannot be applied for through the online registration system
- Once a course starts no refunds are permitted.
- Application forms cannot be processed nor places reserved without the full payment of tuition fees. Cheques, bank drafts or postal orders should be made payable to Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB).
- For Security Reasons WE CANNOT ACCEPT CASH.
Reasonable arrangements
It is advisable that those representing Vulnerable Adults (Advocacy groups or Service Organisations) should contact the Mulgrave Street Campus Adult Education Department in advance of registering service users so that proper safeguards can be identified and risk assess in order to make best efforts to try to accommodate learners if it is deemed reasonable to do so.
Fees published in this website are tuition fees and material fees only, except where otherwise indicated. Some validating bodies charge separate registration/examination fees. Please refer to their respective websites.
Note: Discounts apply to tuition fees only and not materials fees
Proof for the applicable discount must be provided at registration
Proof for a discount will not be accepted once a course commences. No discounts are available once a course commences.
Discounts cannot be applied for through the online registration system.
Application forms cannot be processed nor places reserved without the full payment of fees. Cheques, bank drafts or postal orders should be made payable to Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (LCETB).
For Security Reasons WE CANNOT ACCEPT CASH.
Programme Cancellation
For a course to commence it is necessary to enroll a minimum number of participants. If this number is not reached the course will be cancelled. Participants will be notified and a full fee refund will be processed. Any fees paid by cash are refunded by cheque or card and may require some time to process.
Viable Programmes
- All courses must remain viable and be self-financing; therefore, NO REFUNDS, under any circumstances, are available once a course commences. We regret we cannot entertain any other requests for refunds.
- Once a course commences participants cannot defer their place on that course to another term. It is the responsibility of the participants to inform themselves of the course commencement date, content, course duration, etc.
In all cases fees must be paid before classes commence. Under no circumstances can learners attend a class without an official receipt.
Applications received after the commencement date of a course will only be accepted at the sole discretion of the Adult Education Department.
Course Deferrals
Unfortunately, we cannot facilitate applicants who wish to defer a registered place, either before or after a course commences, to another term. See Refund Policy.
Certificates of Attendance
Certificates of Attendance are posted to respective learners within two months of programme completion. Certificates of Attendance are only issued where a learner has 70% attendance on the programme.
Replacement Certificate: A replacement fee of €20 will apply for the re-issuing of a certificate of attendance.
Assessment Reasonable Accommodation (QQI)
Any learner wishing to avail of this must contact the Adult Education Department at the commencement of his/her programme. Details on the procedure for examination accommodation will be provided on week one of the programme. Applicants will be requested to submit details of a professional assessment outlining their disability/learning difficulty. Applications made to the Adult Education office after the third week of the programme may not be considered. This applies to written examinations only.
Assignment/Project Submission
Course work will not be returned to learners once submitted for assessment. Learners are therefore advised to retain copies of all course work submitted. This is necessary both for the learner’s own future reference and in the event of the tutor requesting a copy of the course work, for whatever reason. Electronic back-up copies should also be retained. All hard copy materials will be disposed of by 30th September of every academic year.
Learners are encouraged to undertake examinations of the respective validating bodies. Learners will be informed by the Examination Officer and teacher as follows:
Examination entry procedure and dates for examination entry:
It is the responsibility of the learner to register for all relevant examinations and pay the appropriate examination fee. Examination entry fees are non-refundable.
Dates for presentation of projects and assignments:
Projects cannot be accepted after the specified dates.
Dates of examination sitting:
These will be located on the examinations’ notice board located on the ground floor and on the Adult Education notice board.
Issue of Assessment/Exam Results & Certificates
QQI Programmes
Results for all QQI assessment will be posted to respective learners in June of each year. Learners completing programmes in the first term in December will also receive their results in the following June. QQI certificates are posted to respective learners in August of each year. Learners wishing to appeal their grades must do so within the time indicated on the letter (from date of postmark). Details of how to appeal will be issued with results. If, in the unlikely event, a learner has not received any results by the end of August please contact the examinations officer by emailing
Assessment entry with QQI requires learners to supply the Adult Education Department with a correct PPSN, first name, surname and DOB. Failure to supply the correct details may result in the unsuccessful processing of the entry. Throughout the duration of the programme learners will be asked to verify their data by their teacher to facilitate the entry process. The data will be used for the purpose of assessment entry only.
Non-QQI Programmes
Other validating bodies have their own time frame for the issuing of results and certificates. Please consult their respective websites or contact the examination officer for further details.
(College of FET LCFE, Mulgrave Street Campus)
Computer Rooms
The college is constantly updating its computer facilities and currently has 9 state-of-the-art Computer Rooms including an Apple iMac laboratory. All are networked and connected to a high-speed internet connection.
Radio Studios
The college also has state of the art radio studios. The College broadcasts on radio online at certain times of the year at iMixLCFE
Film & Photography Guidelines
Learners are not permitted to use images of the College or its staff or learners or persons within the vicinity of the college without written authorisation from the Director of Adult Education.
Hair Beauty & Holistic Course Guidelines
Learners Undertaking Hair, Beauty or Holistic courses must adhere to the guidelines and procedures outlines by the certifying body eg A learner where required must agree to wear a uniform as specified and required by the certifying body and may need to supply their own Model(s) to successfully conduct the practical elements of the course and satisfy the on-going assessment requirements of the course. Learners must adhere to all health, safety and hygiene requirements of practical courses as specified.
All models for Hair, Beauty or holistic courses must be over 18 years. There are some exceptions for Hair courses where a model must be over 16 years.
College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus
The college wishes to minimise night school learners’ cars causing any disruption to residents, business premises and property owners near the college in particular on Garryowen Road, Rossa Avenue & Rossa Villas, Markets Field Terrace, Geraldine Villas & Arlington Terrace. As part of the colleges link to Limerick Smart Travel initiative we are recommending that learners should Car Pool as much as possible in the first instance to reduce traffic on Mulgrave Street and the surrounding area. Parking is available in Cornmarket Square Car Park and is within walking distance of the college, near the Milk Market with opening hours 7.30am to late at 1.00am on The college is open on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday nights from 18th September excluding holidays.
It is the learners responsibility to park legally if they are parking in the Mulgrave Street surrounding areas and we ask all learners to assist us with this.
College of FET Kilmallock Road Campus (KRC)
A number of our part time programmes now take place at the Kilmallock Road Campus Limerick City (KRC) Further Education and Training Centre (formerly St. Enda’s community school) on the Kilmallock Road on Tuesday evening. The campus boasts great facilities and has ample free parking spaces available.
Change of Address
The college needs to be informed of any change of address to ensure the prompt delivery of all correspondence, examination results, certificates etc. This can be emailed to: . The college is not responsible for any delivery delays or non-delivery caused by a third party.
Learner Appeals
Learners wishing to appeal their received final result or any aspect of the assessment process must complete this form and return it and a fee of €40.00 per appeal to LCFE Mulgrave Street before the specified date.
Click here for the Learner Appeal Application Form 2025
Responsibility cannot be accepted for the loss or damage to the property of the learner.
Class Cancellation/Rescheduling
Due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. teacher illness; a class may be cancelled and rescheduled to another date. If sufficient notification has been received by the college, a text message will be issued to all learners registered on the programme advising them of the change. A cancelled class will usually be rescheduled to the week following the last week of the programme, at the normal time and day. However where this is not possible another date will be selected. On rare occasions it may be necessary to reschedule a class because of a bank holiday. Learners must provide a valid mobile number when they register to study with College of FET Mulgrave Street LCFE Night School.
Garda Vetting
LCFE/LCETB is committed to practices which safeguard the welfare of learners, young people and vulnerable adults. Even though LCFE night / part-time self financed programmes are only open to learners that have reached 18 year old, LCETB is registered with the Garda Central Vetting Unit and will be conducting Garda Vetting on learners attending programmes where it is identified that possible interaction with children and vulnerable adults is a feature of the programme. Any information disclosed by the Garda Central Vetting Unit may be shared with the appropriate decision making personnel in prospective work experience organisations. It is the learner’s responsibility to ensure that all information is correct, as any omission will mean a delay in the processing of the application.
For QQI Level 5 & 6 courses 100% funding may be available to eligible applicants in employment that wish to up-skill. This funding may also be available to employers who wish to put forward their staff for training to up-skill.
Please download the MS Teams App onto your device and then simply click the link to apply for funding:
Skills to Advance EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Form link:
VERY IMPORTANT: Within the form – Please indicate clearly the Code, Title and Level of the QQI course you have an interest in applying for.