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School of Creative Media & Visual Arts

The School of Creative Media and Visual Arts offers a wide range of awards across its departments, which include art and design, fashion, photography, multimedia, radio broadcasting and journalism.  Facilities in the school include an iMac Lab, iMix online radio studios, specialised art studios, a dedicated print and ceramic room, fashion design room , knitting studio and access to computer rooms catering for all our departmental needs.

Creative Media Department

Our extensive range of courses give you the opportunity to develop your creative and technical skills in your chosen area.

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Visual Arts Department

Offering you the opportunity to develop your creative skills and build your portfolio.

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What our Learner's said

The training I received at LCFE gave me a more professional approach to broadcasting, from the use of recording equipment to preparing for interviews and effective audio and script editing, it has all been of benefit to me. I now do a lot of court reporting, so having that grasp of the law and legal concepts has helped me to make more informed decisions about broadcast content. I am grateful to all the staff at Limerick College of Further Education for helping me to achieve my goal.
Eric Clarke

Broadcaster and Court Reporter at Limerick’s Live 95FM

LCFE Funding