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Course Overview

QQI Level 6 Art 6M4029

This 1 year full-time programme is designed to allow participants to prepare an Advanced Portfolio in the field of Art Craft and Design. It will enable participants to further their knowledge and fundamental skills within this area. The course is suitable for learners with experience in Art Craft and Design who wish to advance their practical and creative skills.

Apply for this Course

Typical Modules

Work Experience
Combined Materials
Exhibition Techniques
Entry Requirements
Employment Opportunities
  • Education: NFQ Level 5 in a relevant discipline when accessing a Level 6 programme. CERFL proficiency at B2 for access to Level 6 courses for those whose first language is not English Mature learner entry requirements available via the local ETB pathway Additional requirements may apply to non-EU/EEA Applicants and may be subject to full international fees (Please refer to Information for International Learners) *Each provider may have additional requirements, not outlined above.
  • Aptitude: Applicants must have a motivation to learn, an interest in the subject and the ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies set out in the course.
  • Previous Experience: Applicants must be able to demonstrate a broad range of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the course and be able to exercise initiative and independence when carrying out course activities.
  • Learners pursuing further studies in Art & Design are assisted in the preparation of their (Advanced) portfolios and may apply to Third Level Colleges and Institutes of Technology. LSAD, NCAD, DIT, Crawford Art College and Art Colleges abroad.
  • Institutes of Technology and other Colleges around the country offer opportunities for further studies. Please check with the individual Admissions Offices of any institution you are interested in attending or visit www.cao.ie
  • The portfolio prepared during this course can be used to apply for the portfolio assessment in LM076 Product Design and Technology or LM099 Architecture in the University of Limerick.
LCFE Funding