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Employability Skills with English

Course Overview

This one-year QQI Level 3 course is aimed at people whose fi rst language is not English. The course will enable the
learner to significantly improve their everyday communication skills as well as building a foundation for English in the
workplace. It provides an opportunity to build essential English language skills to allow them to progress to a higher
QQI level in year two. Learners will also participate in intercultural activities that will be organized throughout the year.  Before starting the course, applicants will carry out an English language assessment

Apply for this Course

Typical Modules

English for Speakers of Other Languages
Internet Skills
Word Processing
Everyday Mathematics
Intercultural Studies
Driver Theory
Career Preparation
Entry Requirements
Employment Opportunities

• Applicants must have A1/A2 (CEFR)
English language levels (depending on
the group).
• Applicants must have the ability to
complete a full QQI level 3 Award.
• Social welfare recipients will be entitled
to a weekly meals and travel allowance
and those under 26 will receive an
increase in their allowance

People who complete this course
will have the opportunity to progress
to a higher level of study within the
Further Education and Training
sector or they may go directly into
employment. Learners will have access
to career planning and guidance support
throughout the year

LCFE Funding