Course Overview
This very successful one-year Leaving Certificate course provides a second chance opportunity for people who have le school early or for new-comers to Ireland who never sat the Leaving Certificate examination. The course is also suitable for repeat Leaving Certificate students who may not have achieved their desired examination results. Learners can build confidence and skill in English and mathematics as well as in a number of other key subject areas. They will meet new people who share similar goals and will be supported by our professional team, with English language and tutorial support also available. This course has excellent progression outcomes for those wishing to access higher education.
Apply for this Course

Typical Modules
- Applicants must have B1 (CEFR) English language level.
- A Junior Certificate qualification is not
required. - Applicants must have the ability to
take on a number of Leaving Certificate
subjects. - Social welfare recipients will be entitled to a weekly meals and travel allowance and those under 26 will receive an increase in their allowance
People who successfully complete the Leaving Certificate course will have the opportunity to progress to higher education or into employment. The Leaving Certificate qualification continues to be highly regarded by employers. Learners will have access to career planning and guidance support throughout the year.