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Software Development | 5M0529

Course Overview

QQI Level 5 Software Development 5M0529

This course is suited to people who are creative, analytical and logical and who are interested in computers and like solving real life problems. It provides the opportunity to train for a career in Software/App/Games Development/Programming and Testing. It gives learners the chance to design and code software apps, develop websites and database systems.  Learners also enhance communication, leadership and interpersonal skills in the key group project based on agile development methodologies that are widely used in industry. Access is provided to the College PC Maintenance lab that provides hands on access to configure computers across multiple operating systems along with virtual machine platforms. With on going skills shortage for Computer Programmers ICT Graduates are most likely to get jobs and are the highest earners.(HEA)

Apply for this Course

Typical Modules

Object Oriented Programming
Software Architecture
Operating Systems
Work Experience
Web Authoring
Entry Requirements
Employment Opportunities
  • Education: NFQ Level 4 or equivalent when accessing a Level 5 programme. CERFL proficiency at B2 for access to Level 5 courses for those whose first language is not English Mature learner entry requirements available via the local ETB pathway Additional requirements may apply to non-EU/EEA Applicants and may be subject to full international fees (Please refer to Information for International Learners) *Each provider may have additional requirements, not outlined above.
  • Aptitude: The learner will have the capacity to take responsibility for his/her own learning within the managed environment provided by the training provider.
  • Previous Experience: The learner may be progressing onto this programme from community education, Youthreach, second level education or other formal or informal learning. The learner may or may not have had a positive experience of education in the past but will have expressed an interest in learning new things and practicing new skills. It is expected that the learner will have a range of learning styles, strengths and needs related to the programme.
  • IT specialist jobs including Computer Programmer/Software Developer and IT Project Management roles.
  • Courses on offer in Institutes of Technology and other Colleges include Software Development, Internet Systems Development and Business with Computing
  • Opportunities on Tech Apprenticeships and Traineeships may be offer.  Please visit apprenticeship.ie and fit.ie for more details.
LCFE Funding