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Graduation 2022


What a fantastic day we’ve had celebrating the Class of 2022 Graduation.  We were delighted to have learners from over 70 disciplines graduated at our ceremony at The Strand Hotel, Limerick today.


CEO of LCETB highlighted the importance of the Further Education and Training sector and spoke about how LCETB “aims to holistically facilitate, encourage and support personal and professional development to empower learners to fully participate in society and realise their potential.”

Guest speaker Godknows, a past learner from LCFE, spoke about how his journey through LCFE helped in his skills development for his career as an internationally renowned rapper and music business manager.  His message that all knowledge and experience make you the person you are and can become.

Newly appointed Principal, Shane Cullinane, commended the learners on their success particularly given all the recent difficulties and issued positive, hopeful messages for their future now that they have their qualification.  He also urged the graduates to realise there is no such thing as the wrong career path, sometimes we just need to make a turn for a better fit.


Check out our Graduation Image Gallery here.

Wishing you all success in your future endeavors.

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