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Accounting Technicians Ireland (ATI) | BP001 (Year1) | BP002 (Year2)* | 27 Weeks | *Sept Only*

Course Overview

Accounting Technicians Ireland (ATI)
Course Code:
BP001 (Year1) | BP002 (Year2) | MON & WED 18.45 - 22.00
€680 | Skills To Advance Funding Available - Email lcfesta@lcetb.ie

This programme is designed to prepare learners for employment in accounting departments of commercial, industrial or public sector organisations or in the offices of practicing accountants.
It provides a valuable qualification in accounting and information skills and membership of accounting technician ireland (ATI), a professional body sponsored by the institute of Chartered accountants.


The minimum requirement is: (a) five passes at Ordinary Level which must include a grade of O5 (or better) in English and either Maths or Accountancy OR (b) two passes at Ordinary Level together with two passes at Higher Level. Again this must include a grade of O5 (or better) in English and either Maths or Accountancy

To Avoid Disappointment learners must enroll with College of FET  Mulgrave Street Campus before they enroll with ATI 

*September Course Only *

Progression Routes: Professional Accountancy Bodies may offer progression opportunities with a
range of exemptions for Accounting Technician graduates after programme completion. These
include: Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI), Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland
(CPA), Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants (CIMA). The possibility may exist of transfer to the final years of Bachelor’s Degrees in
Business, Accounting and Finance in various Third Level Colleges – further details at:


See note on page 125

Apply for this Course
Participant Profile

Programme Description

Year 1

• Financial Accounting; Business Management; taxation (ROI/NI); Law and ethics

Year 2

• Advanced Financial Accounting; advanced taxation (ROI/NI); Management accounting; integrated accounting systems (IAS)

LCFE Funding