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Autism Awareness in the Early Years Sector | ONLINE | 8 Weeks

Course Overview

Certificate of Attendance
Course Code:
CC011ON | Thurs 19.00 to 21.00
€Tuition Fee - 120

Course Description

  • Introduction to Autism
  • The History of Autism
  • How to Understand Autism Behaviour
  • Autism Theories
  • The Management of Autism
Apply for this Course
Participant Profile

This course is suitable for those that wish to learn about ASD in Early Childhood.

According to the World Health Organisation “Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a diverse
group of conditions. They are characterized by some degree of difficulty with social
interaction and communication. Other characteristics are atypical patterns of activities and
behaviours, such as difficulty with transition from one activity to another, a focus on details
and unusual reactions to sensations. The abilities and needs of autistic people vary and can
evolve over time. While some people with autism can live independently, others have
severe disabilities and require life-long care and support. Autism often has an impact on
education and employment opportunities. In addition, the demands on families providing
care and support can be significant. Societal attitudes and the level of support provided by
local and national authorities are important factors determining the quality of life of people
with autism.”

LCFE Funding