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NEW: Barbering Certificate(City & Guilds) | BH016 (12 weeks)

Course Overview

City & Guilds Award 3002 Level 2 – Cutting Men’s Hair
Course Code:
BH016 | THURS 18.30-22.00
€300 | Materials Fee €260 Exam Fee €60 | Skills to Advance funding available to those in employment

To gain the skills you need to work in a hairdressing or barber shop –this award covers a wide range of skills from shampooing, cutting, and styling. A Barbering NVQ is for anyone who is serious about a barbering career. There are options to suit individual needs and aspirations.

See guidelines in the Introduction & Welcome section

Apply for this Course
Programme Description
  • Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety
  • Advise and consult with clients
  • Shampoo, condition and treat the hair and scalp
  • Cut hair using basic techniques.
  • Develop and maintain your effectiveness at work
  • Fulfil salon reception duties
  • Health and Safety considerations in
    the salon

Introduction to Barbering (or equivalent) is recommended for this course.


On completion of the health and safety element, learners will also receive a Level 2 Certificate in “Follow health and safety practice in the salon”

LCFE Funding