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Computer Applications: Beginners | CM002 (8 weeks)

Course Overview

Course Code:
CM002 | MON 19.00 - 21.30

This course is suitable for individuals with no previous knowledge of computers. It is designed to introduce and develop one’s knowledge of the Personal Computer.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description
  • Computer Operation and Use: parts of a computer system; common software applications; operate a computer
  • Word Processing: basics; edit/format/ enhance/find/replace text; header/footer; bullets; spell checker; proof-read; tables; printing etc.
  • Spreadsheets: edit/format/delete data; rows/ columns; currency/percentage/decimal formats; formulae; charts, printing etc.
  • Graphics: basics; electronic freehand drawing; insert/edit shapes; colour, size
  • Internet and E-mail: search techniques; send/ retrieve/reply to e-mail
LCFE Funding