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Criminology | BP048 / BP048ON (10 weeks Class based or Online) (Exams held onsite in Limerick)

Course Overview

Course Code:
BP048 / BP048ON | MON 18.45 - 21.45

This course is suitable for those interested in the study of crime, the causes of crime, types of crime, punishment, crime prevention, and the fear of crime. It will equip learners with the knowledge and skills to analyse characteristics, effects and consequences of criminal activities and recognise appropriate ways of dealing with criminal matters.

NOTE: Learners undertaking online programme must have basic IT skills and have access to the necessary equipment to enable them to undertake an online programme 

Apply for this Course
Participant Profile

• Introduction to the history and theory of crime
• Socio and economic factors affecting criminal behaviour
• Key characteristics of a range of crimes e.g. burglary, youth, cyber, organised crime
• The function of society in relation to criminology and crime causation: socioeconomic factors, the media, politics and community
• Drugs and crime
• Criminal Justice system – role of the Gardai, the Prison System, the Probation service, the DPP etc..
• Alternatives to Prison as a form of punishment

LCFE Funding