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Digital Marketing | BP033 (10 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
BP033 | WED 18.45 - 21.45

This course is suitable for individuals who wish to gain a qualification in Digital Marketing as well as build an effective online presence. Interested learners could include business people , marketing professionals or anyone managing a corporate website. Ideally learners will have a basic knowledge of computers and be aware of what the main social media platforms and tools are.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description
  • Social Media overview, email marketing, Search Engine optimisation, pay per click advertising
  • Google web analytics and social media sites such as twitter, facebook, linkedin
  • Video and mobile marketing, blogging
  • Anaysis, development, implementation and control of digital marketing campaigns
  • E-tools to include social media marketing, blogs, SEO etc
  • Customised digital marketing campaigns and evaluation
  • Digital marketing strategy using appropriate e tools
  • Monitoring digital marketing campaigns using web analytics, social media etc
  • How to create Facebook, twitter and linked in accounts and how to use them effectively  for business
LCFE Funding