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NEW : Eco Tourism | (10 Weeks) BP022

Course Overview

Accreditation: QQI Level 5 minor award in Ecotourism 5N0631
Course Code:
BP022 | THURS 18.45 - 21.45
€Tuition Fee €240 | Material Fee €50 (includes venue visits and limited mini bus hire for simulations only )

 Course Description

  • Explain the principles of ecotourism and how they can be applied to a tourism enterprise through certification
  • Describe the role of interpretation, education and conservation in ecotourism experiences
  • Assess the socio-cultural benefits of ecotourism
  • Explain the need for biodiversity and the role of natural resources as a tourism asset
  • Describe the main nature conservation designations and their associated administrative structures at international, European and national levels
  • Describe the legal and practical considerations of access to private land in Ireland
  • Explain the relationship between people, planet and profit in ecotourism
  • Evaluate the role of eco-labelling in tourism
  • Apply the principles of conservation to tourism, including the management of visitor numbers and the principles of outdoor ethics
  • Develop an ecotourism package including a marketing strategy
  • Implement environmentally sustainable policies in a tourism enterprise
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Participant Profile

Participant Profile

The aim of this course is to provide the learner with knowledge of and an appreciation for the concept and relevance of ecotourism in Ireland’s tourism industry. It aims to provide skills and competences to apply ecotourism principles in a practical setting.

LCFE Funding