Course Overview
To achieve the Level 6 Special Purpose Award participants must successfully complete the following components: QQI Level 6 Component in Irish Tour Guiding (6N20229) and QQI Level 6 Component in Irish Natural Heritage & Culture (6N20231). Subject to Programme Approval.
Note: “This course will consist of A mixture of In-Class, Online and Field Trips to specified locations”
Apply for this Course
This course is suitable for participants who wish to work as Tour Guides employed by tour operators or tour guide organisations Tour guides plan and coordinate tours and follow guest itineraries escorting visitor groups in many historical and cultural venues. Guides require the ability to retain facts, figures and folklore and present the information to tourists in an entertaining and interesting way. Tour guiding is particularly suited to people who are outgoing and who enjoy interacting with others. Communicating, planning and organising are important skills to possess and fluency in a second language is a distinct advantage.
QQI Level 6 Component in Irish Tour Guiding (6N20229)
• the role and responsibilities of the tourist guide in the context of the Irish tourism industry
• the structures roles of the tourism industry
• features of a range of regions and localities including historical
background, agriculture, modern development, sites, towns, villages,
historical architecture, physical geography, flora, fauna, amenities and derivation of place names
• sustainable tourism, negative impacts of tourism/tours
• Use weather forecasts to predict weather conditions safe for guiding & Evaluate all health and safety considerations when planning and conducting a guiding experience
• Research key aspects of Irish economic, political, social, cultural and current affairs
• Evaluate the main markets for Irish tourism /current legislative
• Demonstrate an ability to participate in leading tours /tour management/ liaising with the tour operators, administrative procedures, ensuring effective welfare of group participants / management to accommodate of diversity and specific customer needs / communication, social, decisionmaking, problem solving and conflict resolution skills
• Delivery of commentaries which communicate
• Develop digital media skills to enhance the tour experience, to promote potential products and services and exploit employment opportunities
QQI Level 6 Component in Irish Natural Heritage & Culture (6N20231)
• the role of the cultural heritage product in Ireland and abroad
• current issues in relation to sustainable heritage conservation
• work of the main bodies involved in the support, development, protection and promotion of Irish culture, heritage and natural resources
• key aspects of the course of Irish history from the earliest times to
present day
• the origin, antiquity, key literary genres and current status of the Irish language
• international cultures and traditions which have been influenced by the Irish and link with visitors’ origins accordingly / Ireland’s archaeological heritage and its UNES CO World Heritage sites
• the evolution of Irish cuisine and beverages
• the history and status of the current agriculture, forestry and maritime resources in Ireland / significant natural and physical features of Ireland
• development and location of arts and crafts and associated industries in Ireland
• Summarise the major phases, styles and examples of Ireland’s architectural heritage
• Ireland’s cultural heritage perception internationally
• Research likely topics of interest to clients
• Demonstrate how other nationalities and ethnic groups have influenced the development of Ireland’s culture and built heritage
To complete this award, participants must complete the following components:
- QQI Level 6 Component in Irish Tour Guiding (6N20229)
- QQI Level 6 Component in Irish Natural Heritage & Culture (6N20231)
Note: Badges will be issued to graduates of this Regional Tour Guide programme on achievement of the full special purpose award 6S20233
See information at the following link:
Fáilte Ireland on behalf of industry continues to host a directory of qualified tour guides and continue to be an advocate of tour guiding and recognises the importance that tour guiding plays in enhancing the visitor’s experience of Ireland.