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Psychology | 12 weeks | Class Based or Online | (Exams held onsite in Limerick)

Course Overview

Course Code:
CC013 / CC013ON | THURS 18.45 - 21.45

This course is suitable for individuals who wish to develop an understanding of the basic concepts of Psychology and aims to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and capacity to understand psychological processes.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description
  • Outline the essential features of a range of psychological theories including at least two of behaviourism, psychodynamic theory, cognitive and developmental theory and humanism
  • Outline cycles of human growth, development and change, including impediments and supports
  • Examine the impact of belief, including stereotyping, attitudes, prejudices and assumptions in the psychological well-being of the self
  • Identify ways that personal physiological and psychological wellbeing are impacted by environment
  • Explain the relationship between beliefs, assumptions and attitudes in personal and group behaviour
  • Demonstrate effective listening skills, empathy, unconditional positive regard and realness in a work setting
  • Identify personal responsibilities, capabilities limitations and boundaries in a work setting
  • Recognise underpinning theoretical frameworks
  • Identify features for the effective protection of psychological well being


LCFE Funding