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NEW: Environmental Studies | BP043 | 10 Weeks

Course Overview

Accreditation QQI Level 5 Minor award in Environmental Studies QQI Level 5 (5N1442)
Course Code:
Wed 18.45 – 21.45 | 10 weeks
€Tuition Fee: €240

Course Description

The programme will facilitate that participant to examine and explore:

  • the functioning of the earth as a series of inter-related systems – the importance of maintaining the healthy functioning of these systems as the basis for a sustainable future for the planet
  • what “resources” means to include differentiating between renewable, potentially renewable and non-renewable resources – natural capital, powered by solar capital provides us with natural resources and natural services, material and non-material resources
  • the concepts of “sustainable yield” and “environmental degradation
  • examine the “tragedy of the commons” and possible solutions to the problem – overuse of common property, resources, as outlined by Garret Hardin.
  • the current environmental concerns with water to include some possible solutions to the problem of water as a depleting resource
  • the importance of renewable resources to include the possibilities regarding their future use – solar, flowing water, wind, biomass and geothermal – renewables for future sustainable strategy developments
  • the relationship between population growth and environmental degradation – ecological footprint – population of planet and general waste generation issues / solutions
  • Malthusian theory of population and environment and its adaptation for the twenty-first century
  • what is meant by lesser developed country (LDC) and more developed country (MDC) to include the main characteristics – resource use and waste generation in both and compare the two, with the use of the IPAT equation
  • Sustainability & Sustainable development – how the principles of sustainability might be applied to achieve a sustainable future for the planet and in an Irish context – explain Agenda 21 and Local Agenda 21
  • Climate Change – Global Warming – the greenhouse effect – evaluate the main consequences of global warming arising from the enhanced greenhouse effect to include the national, European and international protocol plans to address these issues
  • Biodiversity & Conservation – to include some of the main human activities that disrupt biodiversity, both globally and locally – key European Union (EU) regulations on biodiversity
  • explain Natura 2000 – what it means and what it hopes to achieve – Habitats Directive and Birds Directive  – consider the success of these directives in addressing biodiversity loss in Europe
  • Irelands Environment – key environmental issues facing Ireland today – climate change, water, waste, land, urban environment and biodiversity – the EPA – the functions of the Agency
  • Regulation, Legislation & Environmental Management – national, European and international environmental agreements and what they aim to achieve
  • EU Action Programmes – the characteristics of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to include the steps that have to be taken in the EIA process
  • evaluate the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to include its role in addressing some of the weaknesses of EIA
  • accredited environmental management systems to include ISO 140001 and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
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Participant Profile

Participant Profile

This course is suitable for those interested in Environmental issues providing the participant with a comprehension of how planet earth functions, of how humans interact with the planet and to explore possible solutions to resulting environmental problems.

LCFE Funding