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Leadership / BP021ON (12 Weeks Online)

Course Overview

QQI Level 6 Minor Award in Leadership 6N219
Course Code:
BP021ON | MON 18.45-21.45

This course is suitable for whose who have an interest in Leadership and are already or wish to gain a leadership position in an organisation. The course will enhance leadership knowledge and may assist with leadership role promotional opportunities. 

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Programme Description
  • The evolving role of leadership over time, to include current and past examples of good leadership and its impact on the turn of events
  • Leadership styles and approaches in a range of public and private contexts
  • Leadership dilemmas, the need for leadership in all aspects of life and the impact of personal and public ethics, morals and values
  • Draw up a personal leadership plan for a task, project or job, to include strengths and areas for improvement
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills to include oral presentations, listening skills, making suggestions and giving feedback, written documents and correspondence
  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills, to include strategic analysis of issues or problems, action plans, execution of plans, and evaluation of outcomes
  • Working with a team on a practical project or task those results in effective team performance
  • Group dynamics, facilitating the different roles that people play, conflict resolution, interacting with people who have diverse views and styles, teamwork and motivating others
  • Conduct meetings effectively, to include use of appropriate meeting etiquette, procedures and processes in a particular public, private or voluntary context
  • Demonstrate leadership skills in a chosen environment, to include reflection on personal experience and progress
LCFE Funding