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Medicine and Counter Assistant (MCA) Irish Pharmaceutical Union | BP092 (12 weeks classroom Based) or BP092ON (12 weeks Online) (EXAMS HELD ONSITE IN LIMERICK)

Course Overview

Accreditation Irish Pharmaceutical Union (IPU)
Course Code:
BP081 Thurs 18.45-21.45
€280 plus ATHE registration and certificate €440

This course is suitable for anyone who
wishes to gain the qualifications to
dispense over the counter medicines
and other products in a pharmaceutical
setting. Why is the course needed?
Between 10,000 and 25,000 people ask
for advice in pharmacies every day.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description

The course covers the following topics:
• Counter Assistant Skills: Customer
Service & Communication skills, the
2WHAMM approach to questioning,
Product knowledge, Referral to the
pharmacist, dealing with product
specific requests, Dealing with
suspected OTC medicine abuse
• Gastrointestinal conditions I:
Indigestion, Heartburn & Constipation,
Smoking cessation
• Respiratory conditions: Coughs, Colds
& Hay Fever
• Pain
• Gastrointestinal conditions II
• Skin : Skin & Feet, Mouth, Eyes & Ears,
Healthy Living, Natural Remedies,
Vitamins & Minerals and nutritional
• Women’s health, Child Health & Family
Planning, Holiday Healthcare & First

LCFE Funding