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NEW: Mobile Technologies (Mobile App Design) | CM011 | (12 Weeks)

Course Overview

QQI level 5 5N0580 Mobile Technologies
Course Code:
CM011 | THURS 18.45-21.45

This course is suitable for anyone wishing to develop the specialised skills, knowledge and competence which are needed in the development of a functioning mobile application which may be deployed on a relevant device.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description
Further Information
  • Explain the concepts and theory of mobile technologies,
  • Display an understanding of the capabilities of mobile technologies and mobile devices
  • Outline the fundamentals of mobile device networking
  • Design, interactions, ergonomics, gestures, transitions and navigation
  • Demonstrate an understanding of mobile app development
  • Critically appraise the role and contribution of mobile technologies and devices in the modern day
  • Explore the use of programming concepts in mobile application development
  • Demonstrate a basic mobile application development lifecycle
  • Use a mobile application development environment
  • Use local and networked data and data stores
  • Effectively manage mobile IT devices and systems
  • Participate in the execution of a project plan

Some knowledge of Java is desirable

LCFE Funding