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Supply Chain Operations | BP086ON (10 Weeks Online) EXAMS HELD ONSITE IN LIMERICK

Course Overview

QQI Level 5 Minor Award in Supply Chain Operations 5N2409
Course Code:
BP086ON | Thurs 18.45 - 21.45

programme is designed to provide

individuals with the knowledge, skills

and competence in the principals and

practice of supply chain logistics to work

independently and under supervision

within national, international and global

trading environments.

NOTE: Learners undertaking online

courses must have basic IT skills and

have access to the necessary ICT

equipment, software and Broadband

capability to enable them to undertake

an online course.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description

Explore supply chain trends of the

21st century including logistic hubs,

E-procurement and just-in-time

inventory planning.

• Explore the advantages and

disadvantages of 3rd party distribution

strategic partnerships.

• Identify and predict using forecasting

methods, product life cycles of

various markets recognising turbulent

markets, predictable markets, and

repetitive markets.

Explore environmental sustainability

• Examine logistics paths from China,

Japan, Asia, USA , Europe.

• Develop a supply chain logistic mix

based on warehousing, transport,

and delivery service for a company of


• Understand systems to support data

interchange between all stakeholders

within the supply chain.

• Analyse factors of warehousing

decisions taking size, location and

storage facilities

• Analyse the function of a distribution

centre from receiving, storage, order

picking and dispatch


LCFE Funding