Course Overview
This course is suitable for individuals interested in the nursing profession or enhancing their skills and knowledge of the work of a carer/nurse in the healthcare environment while emphasising the importance of interpersonal communication.
Apply for this Course
- The basic requirements in understanding the care and duties of a nurse / carer
- The role of An Bord Altranais (Irish Nursing Board), the hospital environment and hospital personnel
- Care of the patient with a variety of conditions; medical / surgical
- Daily routines on a patient, e.g. skin, hygiene, toileting, exercise and medications
- Theories of the Nursing Process
- Practical elements including record of pulse, temperature, blood pressure and fluid balance chart
This module is also mandatory for those who wish to pursue the QQI Full Awards in Nursing Studies, Healthcare Support and Community Health Services.
Manual Handling is mandatory for this module. If a participant hasn’t already completed one, a training programme will be recommended.
Note: A safe level of written and spoken English is required – see note English Assessment on pg 11