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Period and Theatrical Make-up QQI Level 5 | BH011 | 10 weeks |

Course Overview

Accreditation QQI Level 5 Period and Theatrical Make-up 5N4632
Course Code:
BH011 | Tues 18.45-21.45
€Tuition Fee €240 | Materials €160

 To enable the learner to understand the principles of make-up artistry and Make-up design
relevant to period, character and theatrical styles of make-up for Film, Television and
 To enable the learner to become proficient at researching information regarding Character
design, Period make up and Theatrical styles of make-up
 To enable the learner to understand the correct use of all the relevant products and tools
with regard to Period, Character and Theatrical make-up
 To enable the learner to become proficient at designing and applying a range of Period,
Modified Period, Character and Theatrical styles of make-up suitable for Film, Television and
 To enable the learner to become proficient at applying a range of make-up styles to male,
female and child actors
 To enable the learner to acquire a knowledge of the basic team structures, department
structures and employment opportunities for a make-up artist within the theatre industry
and to outline the importance of maintaining good professional relationships with both
colleagues and artistes and suppliers
 To assist the learner to develop the academic and vocational language, literacy and
numeracy skills related to Period and Theatrical Make-up through the medium of the
indicative content
 To enable the learner to take responsibility for his/her own learning

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Participant Profile

This programme module aims to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence
to design and apply period, character and theatrical styles of make-up suitable for film,
television and theatre

LCFE Funding