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Photography: Beginners | HL025 (8 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
HL025 | TUES 19.00-21.00
€120 | Materials: €40

This module is suitable for individuals who wish to acquire skills and
knowledge in digital cameras including camera phones and entry level cameras. Learners will also produce trade processed colour and b/w prints.



Apply for this Course
Programme Description
  • Cameras: introduction and overview of the main high street digital and film SLR cameras
  • Digital: introduction to camera photo manipulation, post production software and printers
  • Techniques: taking photographs, lenses, dedicated and independent flash speedlights
  • Practicals: photo shoots using available, domestic, on camera flash and night photography
  • Introduction to studio portrait photography

Note: This course may take place at the Further Education and Training Centre, Kilmallock Road Campus, Limerick.

LCFE Funding