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Physiotherapy Assistant Practice | CC057 (10 Weeks classroom Based)

Course Overview

Level 5 Minor Award in Physiotherapy Assistant Practice QQI 5N3770
Course Code:
CC057 | THURS 18.45 - 21.45

This programme is suitable for those
wishing to explore the integral aspects
of the role of the
Physiotherapy Therapist, developing
suitable skills for the position as
Physiotherapy Therapist Assistant
and fulfil the requirements for this
professional position.

Apply for this Course
Programme Description

• The importance of postural alignment.
• Explain concepts and common terms
used in the physiotherapy field.
• Benefits of a range of therapeutic
interventions to include exercise
therapy, strengthening, range of
movement, hydrotherapy.
• Practise a range of related risks,
safety procedures and techniques to
ensure the safety of both client and
therapist during therapy, to include
use and adjustment of physiotherapy
equipment and mobility aids, client
transfers and mobilisation, manual
handling of client and equipment, and
equipment maintenance.
• Execute safe mobilising of clients
of all weight bearing abilities, to
include supportive positioning of
affected body parts using appropriate

LCFE Funding