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Reception and Frontline Office Skills (QQI LEVEL 5) | BP047 (10 weeks Class Based)

Course Overview

Course Code:
BP047 | WED 18.45 - 21.45

This course is suitable for those who wish to equip themselves with the knowledge, skill and competence in the concepts and principles underpinning Reception and Frontline Office Skills.

“Really enjoyed the course, taught very well and was very in depth. Well worth travelling for.”

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Programme Description
  • Skills, functions and responsibilities of a receptionist or front line office representative within an organisation
  • Products, services, key policies, structures and personnel of an organisation
  • The range of telecommunications network equipment used within a reception and or front office context
  • How to source information from the internet, reservation systems, postal services, call and or courier logs and messaging service
  • Aspects of safety and health at work legislation pertaining to working within a reception context
  • Information flows within an organisation
  • Apply a range of communication skills including personal, interpersonal and technological proficiencies
  • How to operate a range of equipment in the reception area
  • Produce reception material to include notices, inventory of equipment, stock requisitions, petty cash system, diary, post log, visitors log and telephone messages
  • How to respond quickly in pressurized reception related circumstances requiring fast and efficient comeback
  • Display a professional approach to receiving visitors, use effective customer service skills and use initiative around unexpected visitors and maintain composure when dealing with complaints
  • Present a range of documents including order form, invoices and processing travel expenses Apply a range of general administrative skills within the reception and or front office context e.g. filing, booking and preparing for board meetings or conferences etc.


LCFE Funding