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School Age Childcare | CC004 / CC004ON | (10 Weeks Class based or Online) (Exams held onsite in limerick)

Course Overview

QQI Level 5 Minor Award in School Age Childcare 5N1781
Course Code:
CC004 / CC004ON | WED 18.45-21.45

This course is designed to provide individuals with opportunities to acquire the skills and knowledge to plan, implement and evaluate a suitable programme of activities for a quality school age childcare setting.

Note: This course is only intended as a single module upskill course not linked to Childcare ECCE awards as they are deactivated and no longer available after the December 2023 QQI certification period. 

What is Changing with Early Years Qualifications?

Note:  This course cannot be used to achieve an ECCE childcare award as both 5M2009 Certificate in ECCE and 6M2007 will be deactivated in December 2023 and replaced with the new Level 5 Certificate in ELC and the new Level 6 Advanced Certificate in ELC.

If you have not been able to complete your ECCE Childcare Qualification – Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) might be an option available to you via our head office Quality Assurance Department. For further information on RPL email Caroline Goode,  caroline.goode@lcetb.ie 

Apply for this Course
Programme Description

• Understand the importance of the
school age environment
• Develop an understanding of school
age childcare provision
• Understand what is meant by
programme of activities
• Acquire the skills, knowledge and
competence to plan, implement and
evaluate a programme of activities in a
school age childcare setting
• Understand the process of evaluation

NOTE: As the childcare Cert 5M2009 is to be deactivated, this module cannot now be used for ECCE Accreditation. 

LCFE Funding