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Personal Professional Development (12 Weeks Online) BP095ON

Course Overview

Professional Perfessional Development 6N1949
Course Code:
BP095ON | MON 18.45 - 21.45

This course is suitable for those who
wish to acquire the knowledge, skill
and competence to utilise a range of
advanced personal and interpersonal
skills in variety of personal, civic and
specific vocational contexts, operating
autonomously and or in a supervisory


Apply for this Course
Programme Description

The principles and practice of personal

• Time management to include aids and
strategies for good time management

• Problem-solving and decision-making

• Evaluating how organisations manage

• Strategies to resolve personal or
interpersonal conflict

• Working in partnership with parents/carers

• Delegating tasks to others, to include
appropriate planning, identification of
skills etc.

• Strategies to recognise and cope
with stress, setback and workplace

LCFE Funding