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Work Experience | Class based | 8 Weeks | CC045

Course Overview

QQI Level 5 Minor Award in Work Experience 5N1356
Course Code:
CC045 |Wed 18.45-21.45 | 8 Weeks
€Tuition Fee €170

Examine work organisations and personal career opportunities in a particular vocational
area, to include consideration of work-related issues and needs
 Analyse key challenges and opportunities facing a particular vocational area
 Summarise the basic rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in a particular
work, organisational or institutional context, to include health, safety and welfare at work,
equality legislation, union representation and regulations relating to pay
 Compile a personal and vocational skills audit and career plan for a specific vocational area,
to include goals and action points for the period of work experience
 Present relevant work experience material, to include a CV or personal statement, letter of
application, evidence of job-finding skills, skills checklist, statement of learning goals,
contractual arrangements
 Participate effectively in work experience to include observation of good timekeeping,
working independently while under general direction, meeting deadlines, personal
presentation, communication, adherence to health, safety and other relevant regulations
 Demonstrate effective communication skills in the workplace, to include personal,
interpersonal and technological communication skills
 Reflect on workplace experiences, to include feedback by supervisor(s) or mentor(s) on
personal performance and challenges such as conflict, criticism, meeting new people and
learning in relation to quality management
 Explore options for future education, training and employment in light of work experience

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Participant Profile
Programme Description

This programme module aims to provide a Learner with the personal knowledge, skills and capacity
to participate in a suitable work placement under supervision for a limited time.

  • Examine work organisations and personal career opportunities in a particular vocational area, to include consideration of work-related issues and needs
  • Analyse key challenges and opportunities facing a particular vocational area
  • Summarise the basic rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in a particular work, organisational or institutional context, to include health, safety and welfare at work, equality legislation, union representation and regulations relating to pay
  • Compile a personal and vocational skills audit and career plan for a specific vocational area, to include goals and action points for the period of work experience
  • Present relevant work experience material, to include a CV or personal statement, letter of application, evidence of job-finding skills, skills checklist, statement of learning goals, contractual arrangements
  • Participate effectively in work experience to include observation of good timekeeping, working independently while under general direction, meeting deadlines, personal presentation, communication, adherence to health, safety and other relevant regulations
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills in the workplace, to include personal, interpersonal and technological communication skills
  • Reflect on workplace experiences, to include feedback by supervisor(s) or mentor(s) on personal performance and challenges such as conflict, criticism, meeting new people and learning in relation to quality management
  • Explore options for future education, training and employment in light of work experience
LCFE Funding